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Consortium Advisory Board Convenes for First Meeting in Des Moines

Real Pork Trust Consortium

The National Pork Board hosted the first Real Pork Trust Consortium advisory board meeting in Des Moines, Iowa November 28 - 29, 2023. Topics covered included:

  • The launch of the Real Pork Trust Consortium - how it came to be and its long-term plans to build trust between consumers and the pork industry through science communication

  • The consortium branding strategy - how the consortium will be recognizable including the color scheme, logo, website, social media, and even the shirts we wear when interacting with producers and allied industry partners

  • Science communication material development - how we plan to break down journal articles (scientific findings) into something we all can use to make decisions

  • Ways we are listening to producers - Identifying producer needs and what they think about communicating science

  • Ways we are listening to students - identifying future workforce needs and what they think about communicating science

  • How we plan to listen to consumers through sessions held around the country in Spring 2024 and the national surveys we are developing to capture consumer reactions to science communication efforts utilized by the consortium

  • Our systems thinking approach to identifying gaps in pork research and how we plan to engage the consortium members to fill them

  • Training activities including our partnership with the Real Pork Scholars and the UC Davis CLEAR Center

  • How the consortium plans to monitor, evaluate, and share its impact over time to ensure we are accountable

The diverse group of board members represents vast aspects of the pork industry, allied partners, and academia. The advisory board is put in place to ensure the consortium stays on track with its intended purpose while providing a wide range of perspectives on where the consortium should put its energy and time building trust with consumers now and into the future. A list of advisory board members can be found at the bottom of our Research Team page.

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